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Dogs for Kids Assistance & Therapy dogs
Hi there!
You're reading this because you want to donate to a charity, right?
With so many great charities doing great work for amazing people, why give your hard earned money to us? Well, let me tell you . . .
Dogs for Kids changes the lives (literally) of children with disabilities and their families through the provision of highly trained Assistance and Therapy dogs.
Every person with a four legged best friend knows the benefits of their unconditional love and loyalty. Now imagine a dog who is loving, loyal and has been expertly trained to help a child. Trained to prevent bolting, decrease self harm behaviours and reduce melt-downs in children with autism. Raised to help children sleep better, reduce anxiety and build communication.
That's what we do. But don't just take my word for it:
"Jason helps us to do things that other families take for granted” Riley's mum
"Luca has taught us more about Ted than any of his teachers, doctors or therapists” Luca's mum
"Since Irwin has become part of our family Oliver is happier, his anxiety has reduced and his ability to communicate has improved dramatically" Oliver's mum
Dogs for Kids receives no government assistance and has no expensive overheads or administration to gobble up your donation. 100% of your donation will go directly to raising and training our Assistance and Therapy dogs.
$160 will provide immunisation for a puppy for 12 months!
$95 will provide an adult training dog with high quality dog food for a month!
$40 will provide a puppy with toys essential to its emotional and physical wellbeing!
Participating in the Birdman Rally is a way of raising much needed funds for our little charity, but we can't do it alone. Thanks to the students of Frankston High School, we don't have to. FHS students are designing and building the craft and getting right behind the cause.
You can get behind it too. Please support our efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support.
Donations made through this platform are secure and every donation over $2 is fully tax deductible.
Thanks for reading to the end and thanks for donating!
Dogs for Kids with Disabilities Limited
Dogs for Kids is connecting the worlds of children, families and communities through the love and loyalty of Assistance and Therapy dogs.
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